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Lifeboat Network Bug Tracker

Welcome to the Lifeboat Network bug tracker! Here is where you may report feedback on issues and bugs that you or others have experienced on Lifeboat's games, products, or other services. Before you begin, however, we would like to set some guidelines for reporting bugs as well as for conduct on this site.

This tracker is not for reporting users, issues with the game Minecraft, or for sending us suggestions. If you need assistance with any of those topics, please head over to our official support page. We will only review tickets reported for Lifeboat Network products.

When reporting issues, please do the following to make it easiest for our testing team to review:

- Search for your issue on our tracker before reporting.
- Ensure that you can effectively reproduce the issue more than once.
- Collect necessary photos/videos for demonstrating your issue clearly.
- Report the issue, being as descriptive as possible.

Once you have reported an issue, don't simply leave it unchecked! We might need more information, or ask for you to help test it again in the future. You will receive email notifications when your ticket is updated (you can opt out of this in your account settings). Please make sure you respond in a timely fashion. Our team thanks you in advance!

Optionally, you can also help us review current tickets. We ask that you help confirm whether issues are still occurring, and to give additional relevant information if necessary. When commenting, uploading, or otherwise interacting with reported tickets, we ask that you abide by our terms and conditions, and that you respect all other users by keeping your content family-friendly. By assisting us with sorting and reviewing tickets, you are helping us improve the quality of Lifeboat Network! Thank you!

By using our services and this public tracker, you are agreeing with our terms and conditions and privacy policy. We reserve the right to suspend or remove your account or access for any reason. Please take a moment to review both pages before continuing.

This site is best experienced using a tablet or computer, with Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.

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